***IMPORTANT UPDATE: This event is now being held at Bogart House rather than House of Yes HQ! Please take note!***
An interactive literary cabaret series that fuses poetry, burlesque, live music, aerials, vaudeville, visual art, magic, mysticism, and private, one-on-one poetry experiences.
Welcome to a unique and immersive poetry event that takes poetry outside classrooms and lecture halls and places it in the lush interiors of a bordello. The Madame presents a rotating cast of poets, each operating within a carefully crafted character, who share their work in public readings, spontaneous eruptions of poetry, and most distinctly, as purveyors of private poetry readings on beds, chaise lounges and in private rooms. For a fee, all of the poets are available for these sequestered readings at any time during the event. Of course, any true bordello need a good cover; ours is an immersive cabaret featuring poetry, burlesque, live music, vaudeville, aerials, visual art, magic, and mysticism, with newly integrated themes, performances and installations at each event.
This special event will double as the New York release of Thorntree Press' A Whore’s Manifesto: An Anthology of Writing and Artwork by Sex Workers, edited by Kay Kassirer, and will feature several contributors to the anthology. Doors open at 6:30pm, and the show begins promptly at 7pm. Extravagant dress is encouraged but not required. For more information, please visit thepoetrybrothel.com.
Limited door tickets are available based on capacitiy of the event.
Door tickets are $50 before 8:30pm | $25 after 8:30pm.