What magic and mystery will lure you where the veil between the two worlds is thinnest? Join us, lovelies, at the dying of the harvest and beginning of the night. Our witches will be joined with burlesque by Puss N Boots, Cassandra Rosebeetle and Munroe Lily, divinations by Holy Crow, Rebecca Fey, The Erotic Esoteric and a bevy of other palm and tarot readers, body painting by Liz Belomlinsky, magic and mentalism by Daniel Taylor, and sketchy sketches by Too Loose. As usual the festivities will be presided over by your hosts Mister Charley, The Madame, and that rapscallion, Tennessee Pink.
Doors open at 7pm, and the show begins promptly at 7:15pm. The Poetry Brothel staged show will wrap up at 10pm, but feel free to stay on for House of Yes's free Thursdaydance party, Dirty Thursday, where the poets will continue to be available for private readings. This event is 21+.
The Poetry Brothel: Season of the Witch is in partnership with The Alchemist's Kitchen.- The Poetry Brothel